MOONEYES Official Line Sticker is released!

MOONEYES Official Line Sticker is released!
24 Stickers
Price: 120Yen

Design by Wildman Ishii

Familiar Eyeball to MOONEYES Item you have seen is now, a LINE Sticker!
Can you find out which item is use for the sticker?
Of course, there is a New design sticker that Wildman designed for this!

If you buy it from the LINE Store, not only for yourself but you can also give it to your friend as a gift!
You can also search 【MOONEYES or mooneyes】 from the Sticker Shop in LINE App on your phone.
MOONEYES sticker is Creators sticker so click Creators and you will find it.
How about having MOONEYES in your daily communication?

Go With MQQN!